Acerca DVD


Este DVD contiene testimonios y una entrevista con Dr. Luiz Moura, que es un Médico General en Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, completó 84 años en 2009. El hace uso de la Auto-hemoterapia (AHT) en algunos de sus pacientes, desde 1943 y continua trabajando.

El DVD original, fué producido en 2004. Fueron distribuidas gratuitamente, cientos de copias para que las personas en Brasil conocieran la AHT. Ha tenido un gran éxito, cautivando la atención de la midia y de las autoridades competentes.

Hay otros capitulos como el relativo a Medicina China. Las personas que son contra el uso de éstas medicinas dicen que se tratan de "pseudo-ciencias". Esperamos que usted sea capáz de jusgar por si própio si esto es verdad o no, despues de asistir al video

Si usted esta de acuerdo con el contenido, solicitamos gentilmente que divulgue el uso de la AHT y la Medicina China, copiando este DVD y distribuyendolo entre familiares y amigos.

Muchas Gracias y Buena Salud!

* this DVD is available in English

Más información:
y ve el video:


Title: Acerca DVD Autohemoterapia

Descripción: texto acima


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Español: MENOS tags separados por espaços

About DVD


This DVD contains testimonies and an interview with Dr. Luiz Moura, who is a general practitioner in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and is 84 years (2009). He still practices Medicine and has been doing Autohemotherapy (AHT) on some patients since 1943 as well.

The original DVD was produced in 2004. Hundred of copies have been distributed for FREE so that people in Brazil would get to know about AHT. Many thousands of copies were made catching the attention of the media and authorities. AHT is now a great success

There are other chapters such as Chinese Medicine and Natural Medicine. Detractors of these Medicines consider them pseudo-sciences. We hope that you will be able to judge for yourself if this is true or not after watching this video.

If you agree with the contents, we ask you to spread the word about Autohemotherapy, Chinese and Natural Medicine by copying this DVD and distributing it among your family and friends.

Thank you and Good Health!

* this DVD is available in Spanish.

Further information:
please see the video:

English VIDEO:

Title: About DVD Autohemotherapy

Description: the text above About DVD


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English: Smaller tags separated by spaces

English: Smaller tags separated by commas

English: Smaller tags separated by spaces

